Beatriz Ruiz Morillo
Senior Consultant
Beatriz Ruiz Morillo has had a degree in Biology since 2001 with an Environmental specialty from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He has extensive training in quality audits and environmental management, energy efficiency and waste management. He expanded his academic training in 2003 with the completion of the ‘Master in Engineering and Environmental Management in Business’, taught by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).
For about eleven years she has been the Head of the Quality and Environment area of the Services Division of a large Spanish multinational construction, engineering, concessions and services and energy group. During this period it has implemented various Quality Management and Environmental Management Systems, all of them based on the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and has managed to maintain their certification year after year, without interruption, since 2003.
Beatriz has extensive experience in a wide variety of activities and contract types, both with public and private clients. Throughout his professional career, she has specialized in carrying out internal audits, preparing status diagnoses for the implementation of Management Systems, identifying and extracting environmental legal requirements, as well as analyzing compliance with contractual requirements of clients, performing these tasks for companies active in a large number of sectors.
The complete professional profile of Beatriz Ruiz Morillo is available at this link.