Sustainability & Environmental Management

Consultancy fields

Sustainability & Environmental Management

Doing a smart Environmental Management of your activities will help you both to ensure compliance with your legal obligations in this field, and mitigate your operational risks linked with the environment.

In addition, this will help you reduce your consumption, waste, and emissions, thereby reducing your fixed and production costs, and will allow you to significantly enhance your reputation by being perceived by your customers, employees, regulators, investors and society as a whole not only as an environmental friendly organisation but also as a sustainable one.

Medio Ambiente

By implementing an efficient Environmental Management System you can obtain the following benefits:

Compliance with the applicable environmental legislation

Mitigating environmental operational risks

Avoiding fines and damage to your reputation

Reducing consumption and therefore costs

Accessing better funding sources

Enhancing your internal and external reputation

These are some of the consultancy services we offer in this field:

ISO 14001 Certification

We can help you set up and certify an Environmental Management System aimed at minimising your risks and environmental impact. This will also benefit you when tendering and bidding.

Auditoría Interna
Internal Audits

A second party facility and Environmental Management System audit by an independent external expert will help you to identify what is missing and what can be improved.

Inspecciones a proveedores
Providers inspections

Are you aware of your main providers’ level of environmental management? We can help you find out by conducting on-site inspections of your providers in Spain and abroad.

Gestión integral de residuos
Integrated waste management

Are you spending too much on waste management? We can analyse your situation, identify possible flaws, and suggest concrete improvements for recycling/recovering waste to save money.

Responsabilidad Medioambiental
Environmental Responsibility

Are you fully aware of your environmental legal responsibilities? We can identify them for you and inform you how to comply with them to avoid complaints, fines, and damage to your reputation.

Herramientas informáticas
IT tools

Having your environmental management documented and controlled through an efficient IT system, tailor-made for you, will give you peace of mind and make day-to-day decision making much easier.

Adaptación ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015 Adaptation

The deadline was September 2018. We can adapt your Environmental Management System simply and thoroughly, so you pass the external transition audit without any problems.

Externalización de Sistemas
Systems Outsourcing

We will take responsibility for maintaining your Environmental Management System so you can spend your time and resources on other, more profitable activities for your organisation.

Gestión Energética ISO 50001
ISO 50001 Energy Management

A proper Energy Management System will enable you to continuously improve your facilities’ efficiency and therefore reduce your energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions.

Bonos Verdes (ISR)
Green Bonds (income tax)

We can help you finance your sustainable projects through this innovative instrument by technically demonstrating that you are fighting climate change or providing another clear environmental improvement.

Economía Circular
Circular Economy

We will study your facilities and production processes in depth and suggest concrete cost-saving action in two ways: (1) optimising your input and (2) reducing your waste.

Inventario GEI y Huella CO2
GHG Inventory and CO2 Footprint

We can calculate your direct and indirect CO2 equivalent emissions using ISO 14064 and suggest a tailor-made reduction and/or compensation measure with different actions.

Licitaciones internacionales
International Tenders

We will study the specifications of international tenders you wish to apply for on your behalf and create the part that explains your Environmental Management System (100% ‘turnkey’ service).

Homologaciones Grandes Clientes
Large Client Approval

We can help you become approved by large private clients or public authorities as an organisation that works under an Environmental Management model.

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